Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 7 - San Jose

Today we woke up at the Queen Anne Hotel for the last time. If you read Melanie's previous post, you would have seen the links about this hotel supposedly being haunted. And when she told me about it, I thought to myself, well that could be true, but knowing that the owners of the hotel had made it look this way, and maybe the house isn't THAT old.. I dismissed it. Well boy was I wrong!! So, the first 2 mornings at this hotel we woke up either by my cellphone alarm clock, or just on our own. The point is that we didn't use the alarm clock, and to the best of my knowledge the alarm wasn't on when we went to bed. Anyways, 6:41am comes along and the alarm goes off. Spanish Talk Radio wakes us from our slumber... Strange. I smack a bunch of buttons and switches to make it stop but, no success. The volume knob wouldn't go completely down... Anyways strange occurence. (Melanie note: Ian doesn't remember the buzzer going off a few minutes later, but I do! Unless I dreamed it... Haunted!)

Headed down for breakfast, packed and left a very foggy San Francisco by about 10:30am. By the way.. FOG is listed as one of the sights to see in a 'San Francisco Attractions' pamphlet. Made our way into San Jose to George and Sue's place. Soon after we arrived, George took me to one of his jobsites, and Sue took Melanie out for lunch and on an errand or two. The jobsite that George took me to was for an Industrial Kitchen that produces frozen, ready to eat pre-packaged soups for Costco and some other restaurants. Giant kettles, cooling racks and freezers, ohh and a spice rack that is monitored by Homeland Security! Anyways I went around and took a few photos for George and met a few of the plumbers. It was quite interesting. We also went out for lunch to California's own "In-n-Out Burger" Where the line cooks all wear thos old paper fast food cook hats. And it was a pretty good simple burger. There's only about 6 items on the menu there, simple...

After a busy afternoon, we all arrived back at the house, we went through some old Holm/White family pictures that George had. Sue made us a delicious chicken enchelada dinner. Following that, we took a drive up to the Estate of a friend of theirs, which seemed to be in the coutryside. The beautiful house, tennis court, infity pool, guest house, brand new Aston Martin, and dual bocceball court was located right beside some protected lands that belong to Stamford University. It was beautiful. This all belongs to friends of George and Sue.

We made our way back to the house again and went to bed.

(Melanie Note: Took two hours to update this post!! Ridiculous!! Will do today's tomorrow if time! LOOOOOVELY pictures to come of our drive today - Day 8!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey find out if their friends would let out the guest house to us!!! lol
